Publications Text Page

The following are publications written and co-written by Terra Search Principal Geologists Dr Simon Beams and Dave Jenkins. Simon and Dave are specialists in Mineral Exploration in Queensland, North Queensland, Western Australia and Australia.

Please click the links below to view publication overviews and to download the PDF’s.

Geology and Mineralisation of the Rocklands Copper-Cobalt-Gold Deposits, Cloncurry District,
North West Queensland, Australia

Simon D. Beams 
Smart Science for Exploration and Mining
10th biennial SGA Meeting of the Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits
Townsville, Australia, 2009

Mt Mackenzie: A Large High Sulphidation, Advanced Argillic Gold System, Central Queensland
S.D. Beams, K.J. Harvey, J.P. Laurie
Searching for a Sustainable Future – Abstracts
15th Australian Geological Convention, 2000

GIS Compatibility of Digitally Recorded Exploration Data
David R. Jenkins and Simon D. Beams
Fourth National Forum on Information Management and GIS in the Geosciences, 1999

Geological Setting and Mineralisation Style of Ore Deposits of Northeast Queensland
Gregg W. Morrison, Simon D. Beams 
2009 North Queensland Gold and Base Metals Field Trip, August 2009
Economic Geology of Northeast Queensland, the 1998 Perspective, Geological Society of Australia, 1998

From Granites to Mineral Exploration
Dr Simon D Beams
Bruce Chappel Symposium, 1998

The Exploration History, Geology and Geochemistry of the Polymetallic Highway-Reward Deposit,
Mt Windsor Subprovince

Simon D. Beams, Ed V. Dronseika, Mark G. Doyle 
Economic Geology of Northeast Queensland, the 1998 Perspective

Exploration Data Management on a Mineral Province Scale
Simon D. Beams
Second National Forum on GIS in the Geosciences, 1995

Recent Developments in the Management of Exploration Data from North Queensland
S.D. Beams
Extended Conference Abstracts – New Developments in Geology and Metallogeny: Northern Tasman Orogenic Zone
EGRU, 1994

Reward Polymetallic Sulphide Deposit
S.D. Beams, J.P. Laurie, D.M. O’Neill
Geology of the Mineral Deposits of Australia and Papua New Guinea, 1990

Optimisation of the Open File Mineral Exploration Data Resource
Simon D. Beams, Noel J. Willis

Modern & Ancient Volcanics; An Approach to Analysis of Process, Products, and Successions
S.D. Beams
Excursion Guide to the Seventy Mile Range Group: Mt Windsor Volcanics and Trooper Creek Formation, 9 Feb 1985

An Overview of the Influence of the Regolith on Mineral Exploration Sampling Media, North-East Queensland
Simon D. Beams
The State of the Regolith: Proceedings of the Second Australian Conference on Landscape Evolution and Mineral Exploration
