PLATE 4 Sample of mineralised quartz vein material showing brecciated and recrystallised buck quartz

PLATE 4: Sample of mineralised quartz vein material showing brecciated and recrystallised buck quartz cut by thin, irregular stylolites (black lines) and late fine, clear comb quartz cutting all earlier events. Specimen from the Trafalgar Mine, Queenslander Camp, Forsayth (Sample #231422; 1.24 g/t Au, 30.7 Ag).

Sample of mineralised quartz vein material showing brecciated and recrystallised buck quartz cut by thin, irregular stylolites (black lines) and late fine, clear comb quartz cutting all earlier events. Specimen from the Trafalgar Mine, Queenslander Camp, Forsayth (Sample #231422; 1.24 g/t Au, 30.7 Ag).
