PLATE 11 Vughy, medium comb quartz infill of brecciated granite and schist

PLATE 11: Vughy, medium comb quartz infill of brecciated granite and schist. Euhedral quartz crystals are zoned, not deformed and cores to vughs filled with limonite after sulphides. Eastern Bar Prospect, Robin Hood Station. Intrusion Related Mesozonal (Sample #231503; 0.03 g/t Au, 179.0 g/t Ag).

Vughy, medium comb quartz infill of brecciated granite and schist. Euhedral quartz crystals are zoned, not deformed and cores to vughs filled with limonite after sulphides. Eastern Bar Prospect, Robin Hood Station. Intrusion Related Mesozonal (Sample #231503; 0.03 g/t Au, 179.0 g/t Ag).
