PLATE 13 Early phase of brecciation cemented by fine, black silica-pyrite cut by a stockwork of clear to white, fine comb quartz

PLATE 13: Early phase of brecciation cemented by fine, black silica-pyrite cut by a stockwork of clear to white, fine comb quartz. Rhyolite breccia ore from Electric Light. Intrusion Related Epizonal (Sample #231509; 70.9 g/t Au, 50.6 g/t Ag).

Early phase of brecciation cemented by fine, black silica-pyrite cut by a stockwork of clear to white, fine comb quartz. Rhyolite breccia ore from Electric Light. Intrusion Related Epizonal (Sample #231509; 70.9 g/t Au, 50.6 g/t Ag).
