PLATE 14 Polymictic breccia composed of clasts of porphyry and schist in a silicified rock flour matrix

PLATE 14: Polymictic breccia composed of clasts of porphyry and schist in a silicified rock flour matrix cut by numerous generations of very fine quartz. Sample of mineralisation from the Beverley Mine, Einasleigh. Intrusion Related Epizonal (Sample #231522; 0.82 g/t Au, 0.44 g/t Ag).

Polymictic breccia composed of clasts of porphyry and schist in a silicified rock flour matrix cut by numerous generations of very fine quartz. Sample of mineralisation from the Beverley Mine, Einasleigh. Intrusion Related Epizonal (Sample #231522; 0.82 g/t Au, 0.44 g/t Ag).
