PLATE 15 White euhedral buck quartz brecciated and cut by stylolites

PLATE 15: White euhedral buck quartz brecciated and cut by stylolites (bottom of photo). Cemented by dark fine, silica-pyrite matrix that is cut by very fine, clear to white comb quartz. Example of Plutonic style quartz later cut by Intrusion Related style quartz. Ore from Big Jack Mine, Long Gully, Forsayth (Sample #231445; 1.42 g/t Au, 14.15 g/t Ag).

White euhedral buck quartz brecciated and cut by stylolites (bottom of photo). Cemented by dark fine, silica-pyrite matrix that is cut by very fine, clear to white comb quartz. Example of Plutonic style quartz later cut by Intrusion Related style quartz. Ore from Big Jack Mine, Long Gully, Forsayth (Sample #231445; 1.42 g/t Au, 14.15 g/t Ag).
