PLATE 18 Photo of typical high grade Mount Hogan vein ore

PLATE 18 : Photo of typical high grade Mount Hogan vein ore. Recrystallised and brecciated coarse comb quartz with infill of chlorite, pyrite, pyrrhotite & chalcopyrite. Sample 231331; 336 g/t Au, 498 g/t Ag, 1.315% Cu, 876 g/t Bi, with anomalous Pb and As.

Photo of typical high grade Mount Hogan vein ore. Recrystallised and brecciated coarse comb quartz with infill of chlorite, pyrite, pyrrhotite & chalcopyrite. Sample 231331; 336 g/t Au, 498 g/t Ag, 1.315% Cu, 876 g/t Bi, with anomalous Pb and As.
