Discussions with Australasian Drilling Institute (ADI)

Ground Magnetic Operators about to commence survey.
Ground Magnetic Survey Capabilities
September 3, 2019
Pumpellyite from metabasalts from Greenvale district , north Queensland.
Suspected Pumpellyite from metabasalts from Greenvale district, north Queensland.
September 6, 2019

Discussions with Australasian Drilling Institute (ADI)

Simon Beams and Travers Davies from Terra Search with Ili Cava of Australian Drilling Institute

Simon Beams and Travers Davies from Terra Search with Ili Cava of Australian Drilling Institute

Today Terra Search Managing Director Dr Simon Beams and Field Manager Travers Davies met with Ili Cava,  Director of the Australasian Drilling Institute (ADI) in our Townsville office to discuss how the two organizations might work collaboratively in increasing the skill base of technical staff entering the exploration and drilling industries. Terra Search sees a lot of synergies with ADI’s expanding activities in north Queensland through school based learning programs and industry and remote area practical training.

Travers Davies(Terra Search) and Ili Cava from ADI
Travers Davies(Terra Search) and Ili Cava from ADI